Pension talks continue
Milwaukee Newspaper Guild representatives are continuing to meet with Journal Sentinel Inc. management about our grievance over changes to the pension plan. A Guild committee of Dave Kirner, Jerry Ziegler and Greg Pearson met Sept. 20 with James Spangler, vice president/human resources, to continue discussions.
The Guild's argument has two basic points: 1) These changes should have been negotiated before they were presented. 2) All employees should have a choice. Right now, those hired after May 1 are automatically in the new plan.
Company representatives also told us this week that it is the company's view that non-vested part-time workers should not have a choice and will be placed in the new plan as well. This will continue to be part of the discussion in the grievance process.
Here's what we know so far:
1) While talks continue, it still is important for you to meet the Sept. 30 application deadline, especially if you want to change into the new plan. If you do not meet that deadline, the company will retain you in the current plan.
Refer to the literature from the company for specifics on your choice. Guild representatives can try to answer questions, but we can't make recommendations for individuals. The choice varies from individual to individual based on a number of factors, including your age, how long you have worked here and how long you plan to stay.
2) Once you have made a choice, the company will send you a notification confirming your decision.
3) Under the current 401(k) plan, the company has the option of not providing matching funds if it does not meet financial goals. Spangler said the company has always made this match, and it understands the uproar it would face if the match was not made.
4) Under the new plan, the company will contribute 3% as an Annual Employer Contribution, in addition to any match you might be receiving in your 401(k). The first such contribution will occur sometime in early 2008
5) Aside from those hired since May and non-vested part-timers, everyone should have received a report from the company comparing how the two plans might work for you. This is the report that talked about projected raises and provided specific figures for what you might expect when you retire. If you did not get one of these, see your steward or a Guild officer.
6) Some folks have found that the steps needed to make the selection can be confusing. We've mentioned this to the company, but it probably will not be changed at this date, so make sure to get help if you are confused.
7) There also may be a problem registering your selection from a Mac. Again, the company has been notified, but proceed with caution.
Any questions? Just ask a Guild representative.