Open season
Open enrollment has started at Journal Sentinel Inc. Employees have until Feb. 16 to select their health care options for the plan year starting April 1.
But it's not always that easy. For one thing, the packet we received at our homes doesn't actually mention what the premiums are going to be or where to find them. To find that information, sign on to the JRN Focus Web site, click on "Health and Welfare" under "Benefits" on the left-hand menu, then scroll down under "2007/2008 Annual Enrollment" to "Medical Rates 2007/2008" and click on that. If you scroll further down the "Health and Welfare" page, you can also find a link to the current 2006/2007 rates, for comparison purposes.
The company does provide a Health Care Cost Estimator on the Web. But at first, it was programmed with the wrong rates. After one of our members pointed out the problem, it was fixed. But if you ran your numbers through this tool before Jan. 31, you should run them again to be sure they come out right.
Also, the company continues to tout its two Health Savings Account (HSA) plans as "consumer-driven" health care. You may want to read another view of that concept from the real consumer experts -- the staff of Consumers Union, where about 300 Guild-represented workers produce Consumer Reports magazine.